
Terms & Conditions


Helios Project LTD, referred to as “we”, “our”, “us”, or “Helios” is the proprietor and operator of Helios’ website, accessible at Heliosmatters.com (“Website”). We are dedicated to maintaining the privacy of personal data, and only collect personal data related to you as required for the purposes outlined in this policy.

Grant of Right. We grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited, personal, revocable right to access the Website, subject to the Terms herein. We reserve the right to temporarily or permanently deny, limit, or suspend your access to the website if we determine that: (a) you have misused your rights to use the Website; (b) you have violated the Terms, or any usage guidelines we may provide; © you have breached any applicable law, rule, or regulation; or (d) you have committed any act or omission which is or could be harmful to us, or any other third party, including other users of the Website.

Website Use Guidelines. You are prohibited from publishing details and content from the Website on other websites or media platforms. You may not copy the Website’s content, embed it in other websites, display it using framing techniques, create mirroring websites, sell, license, rent, lend, or distribute the Website’s content in any way. You may not link to the Website’s content separately from the webpage where the content is originally located. When linking to webpages of the Website, no information should be hidden, blocked, modified or deleted from the webpages of the Website. The Website and its content may not be accessed to develop or create a similar or competing Website, including by collecting information from the Website. The Website may not be used for any activity that constitutes or encourages criminal offense or civil wrong or violates applicable laws.

Privacy and Data Protection. We process personal information related to you in accordance with our Privacy and cookie policies.

Content Publication. We publish articles and other content related to our areas of activity, either on the Website or via our newsletter. This content is general in nature, provided for informational purposes only, and should not be interpreted as professional advice.

Links. The Website may contain links to other websites, information or content provided by third parties. We do not operate or monitor these third-party websites and content. We assume no responsibility for such third-party websites or content, or their availability or for any transactions made between you and such third-party websites.

Intellectual Property. The Website includes user interfaces, graphic designs, illustrations, texts, icons, software code, and more, all of which are protected by copyright and additional intellectual property rights. All rights to the Website and any content thereof are owned by Helios, or we have received permission from the owners to use such content on the Website.

Information Security. We and our hosting service providers implement systems, applications, and procedures to secure your use of the Website and to minimize the risks of theft, damage, loss of information, or unauthorized access or use of information.

Warranty and Limitation of Liability. Your use of the Website and your exposure to information on the Website is at your own risk. We do not take any responsibility for the activity on the Website, and we do not provide any guarantees with respect to the contents contained therein.

General. We may change these Terms to meet technical, operational and legal changes. We will post a notice about changes made to these Terms on the Website, and by continuing your use of the Website after the new changes have taken effect, you indicate your agreement to the amended Terms.

Contact Us. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, please email us at: contact@heliosmatters.com. We will review your query and make a good-faith effort to respond promptly.

Last Update: June 24, 2024.