

This privacy policy outlines how Helios Project LTD and its subsidiary (“Helios,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) collect and process personal data related to you when you visit our website, www.heliosmatters.com (“Website”). Additionally, we provide information about your rights and the available options.

Our commitment is to maintain the privacy of your data. Therefore, we collect personal data related to you only as necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this policy.


Personal data we collect and use

We collect and store information you enter on the Website or provide to us in other ways. Specifically, we collect and use the following personal data related to you:

  • When you fill out any form on the Website, you provide us with your full name, email address, phone number, and any additional information you choose to share.
  • If you subscribe to our newsletter, we collect traffic and online usage information generated by your online activities. This data is recorded by certain tracking technologies, such as cookies. The information may include your IP address, browser details, clicks, session duration, content viewing, and content downloading. For more details, please refer to our Cookie Policy.


What do we do with personal data related to you?

We use the personal data we collect and receive to provide you with our content and manage our communication with you, enable the Website’s tools and features, study and analyze the functionality of the Website and your activities, provide support, measure Website activity, maintain the Website, improve it, and continue developing it.

Additionally, we use personal data related to you to provide commercial and marketing information about us, our products, and other related content. We also enforce our Website’s Terms of Use, policies, and legal agreements, comply with court orders and warrants, assist law enforcement agencies, prevent fraud, misappropriation, infringements, identity theft, and any other misuse of the Website, and take necessary actions in legal disputes and proceedings.

We commit to processing personal data related to you solely for the purposes described in this policy.


How do we share personal data related to you?

We do not sell, rent, lease, or otherwise provide personal data to third parties, except as provided below:

  • We share personal data related to you with third-party service providers who help us operate, manage, and protect the Website and our operations. These service providers offer services such as analytics, mailing services, and data storage.
  • We disclose personal data related to you with or without notice: (a) If required by a subpoena or other judicial or administrative order; or (b) when required by law; or, (c) at our sole discretion, where we deem it necessary to protect the safety of any individual, the general public, or to prevent violations of our or any third party’s rights.
  • We disclose personal data related to you in case of a merger, acquisition, or any other structural change that requires us to do so as part of the transition.


Aggregated and Analytical Information

We employ standard analytics tools, including Google Analytics, to understand how you and other users interact with the Website. This helps us enhance your user experience and prioritize improvements. Additionally, we may use other analytical tools periodically.

Please note that the privacy practices of these tools are governed by their own policies, and they utilize their own cookies to provide their services (for more information about cookies, see our Cookie Policy). You can find details about how Google uses data from your Website usage at: google.com/policies/privacy/partners/

We share anonymous, statistical, or aggregated information with our partners for legitimate business purposes. Importantly, this aggregated data does not compromise your privacy, as it cannot be reasonably associated with specific individuals.

Any sharing of personal data related to you will strictly adhere to the terms outlined in this policy or with your prior consent.


Your Choice

You are not legally obligated to provide us with the personal data described above. At any time, you have the option to opt out of our newsletter and marketing mailing lists or request that your personal data not be shared with our third-party service providers, as outlined earlier. Please be aware that your opt-out request may take up to 10 business days to take effect.

Additionally, we may retain your details without actively using them if necessary, and for the required duration, to comply with legal requirements and proceedings. For more information, please refer to the ‘Data Retention’ section in this policy.

To prevent the collection of your personal information by Google Analytics, you can use the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on, available here, or explore other opt-out mechanisms provided by Google.

If you wish to exercise your choices, please feel free to contact us at: contact@heliosmatters.com


Cookie Policy

Cookies are files stored on your computer that enable us to track your computer’s use of our Website.


Our Website uses small data files known as “cookies” that are saved on your computer. Cookies allow us to monitor your computer’s engagement with our Website. Cookies are instrumental for us as they facilitate the collection of technical data about your usage, which is crucial for refining and personalizing the content of our website, thereby making it more user-friendly. Our website incorporates Google Analytics, a web analysis tool provided by Google. At any time, you can disable cookies via your browser settings, but this may result in the deactivation of certain features on our Website.

By tweaking your browser preferences, you can decide to accept all cookies, get notified when a cookie is set, or reject all cookies. However, if you opt to reject all cookies, certain features of our website that necessitate registration may become inaccessible. For more details about cookies and their functionality, visit https://www.aboutcookies.org.uk/

We are using third parties, such as Google Analytics, to scrutinize traffic to our Website. Google Analytics does not generate individual profiles for visitors and only compiles aggregate data. To disable Google Analytics, you can download the browser add-on for the deactivation of Google Analytics provided by Google.

Please note that despite our utmost efforts to respect the privacy choices of our visitors, we are unable to process Do Not Track signals from your browser

For a comprehensive understanding of privacy and Google Analytics, refer to the Google Analytics overview provided by Google. More details about Google Analytics can be found on Google’s privacy partners page. You can choose to opt out of Google’s use of cookies by altering your settings through Google Ad Settings or via the Google advertising opt-out page.

Accessing personal data related to you


If you assume that personal data related to you is inaccurate, incomplete, or not up to date, please provide us with the necessary information to correct it.
At any time, you can contact us at:  contact@heliosmatters.com and request to access the personal data related to you that we keep. We will ask you to provide us with certain credentials to verify your identity, and to the extent required under applicable law, we will make good-faith efforts to locate the personal data that you request to access.


GDPR Notice

If the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to the processing of personal data related to you by us, the following terms apply:


Lawful Grounds for Processing.

We process personal data related to you as a data controller based on the following lawful grounds:

  • Consent: All processing not covered by the specific lawful grounds below relies on your consent.
  • Legal Obligation: We process data to comply with legal requirements and protect vital interests.
  • Legitimate Interests: We rely on our legitimate interests for purposes such as communication, cybersecurity, enhancing user experience, and fraud detection.


Your Rights.

You have several rights under this policy:

  • The right to request that Helios correct your personal data if inaccurate or out of date.
  • The right to request that your personal data be deleted when it is no longer necessary for Helios to retain such data.
  • The right to withdraw any consent to personal data processing at any time. For example, your consent to receive e-marketing communications
  • If you want to withdraw your consent to e-marketing, please make use of the link to manage your subscriptions included in our communication. Please note that you may still receive system messages and administrative communications from Helios, such as order confirmation, system messages, and notifications about your account activities.
  • The right to request that Helios provide you with your personal data and, if possible, to pass on this information directly (in a portable format) to another data controller when the processing is based on consent or contract.
  • The right to request a restriction on further data processing, in case there is a dispute concerning the accuracy or processing of your personal data.
  • The right to object to the processing of personal data, in case data processing has been based on legitimate interest and/or direct marketing.

Detailed information on your rights is available on the EU Commission’s website: http://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/rights-citizens_en.


Authentication and Inquiries.

When you request to exercise your rights, we’ll authenticate your identity and location. Please contact us at contact@heliosmatters.com with any concerns about data processing.

Data retention
We will retain personal data related to you for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes of using such personal data as described under this policy or as permitted by law. Additionally, we will keep aggregated non-identifiable information without limitation. To the extent reasonable, we will delete or de-identify potentially identifiable information when we no longer need to process it in an identifiable form.


Transfer of Personal Data Outside Your Territory

We process and store personal data across various global sites. If you reside in a jurisdiction where transferring personal data outside your territory requires consent, your freely given, expressed, specific, and unambiguous consent covers such transfers.

Additionally, we transfer personal data from the European Economic Area (EEA) to Israel. Israel is deemed to provide an adequate level of data protection according to the 2011/61/EU Commission Decision. For transfers to other jurisdictions without adequate data protection, we implement appropriate safeguards. These may include entering into the European Union (EU) Standard Contractual Clauses (as amended from time to time) with relevant recipients or adhering to equivalent data transfer regulations to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data.


Information security

We maintain the confidentiality of personal data related to you and take reasonable steps to ensure its accuracy, completeness, currency, and reliability for its intended use.  Reasonable measures are in place to protect personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. However, we do not guarantee immunity from cyberattacks, malicious activities, malfunctions, honest mistakes, or other forms of abuse and misuse of personal data.


Changes to this privacy policy

We periodically update this policy. Minor updates take effect 7 days after posting a notice on the Website, while substantial changes take effect 30 days after the initial notice. Immediate adaptation to legal requirements may also occur. By continuing to visit the Website after the new policy takes effect, you agree to its terms.


Governing Law

The administration of this Privacy Policy is subject to the laws of the State of Israel, disregarding any principles of conflicts of law


Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns about how we process personal data related to you, please email us at: contact@heliosmatters.com. We will promptly review your query and respond in good faith.

Last Updated: June 24, 2024