World Steel Association empowers innovation
In 2023 Helios joined the World Steel Association as an affiliated member.
This marks a significant milestone in our journey to decarbonize the steel industry. Helios embracement by worldsteel serves as an important link between traditional steel making and the new technological era.
The below article by worldsteel provides insight into this distinguish organization’s activities and its relations with Helios.
Helios contribution
The World Steel Association (worldsteel) is one of the largest and most dynamic industry associations in the world, with members in every major steel-producing country. worldsteel represents steel producers, national and regional steel industry associations, and steel research institutes. Members represent around 85% of global steel production.
We collect and publish data on steel market trends, develop standards and benchmarks for the steel industry to ensure best practices and represent the steel industry in dialogues with governments, international organisations and other stakeholders. We aim to promote the steel industry as widely as possible, provide a forum for our members, and advocate for sustainable steel production and usage, emphasizing environmental responsibility and innovation.
Traditional Iron and steelmaking technology is very mature, with rudimentary blast furnaces being first developed thousands of years ago. For hundreds of years this technology has dominated iron and steel production, gradually becoming more efficient and better understood. However, the use of this legacy technology generates larges amount of greenhouse gas emissions, which are now understood to be harmful. Therefore, the development of new breakthrough technologies in iron and steel making are now essential to significantly reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.
This is why we are particularly delighted to include an organisation like Helios in our membership. Not only does it allow us to better understand the genuinely exciting work they are carrying out, it also helps us to counter lingering and inaccurate reputational issues that our own research shows that the steel industry suffers from; that it is old-fashioned, inefficient, and associated with the dark Satanic mills of the industrial revolution. The reality is quite the contrary and Helios’ work is evidence of that. Their membership perfectly aligns with worldsteel’s broader goals of promoting sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint of steel production. Likewise, worldsteel membership allows Helios to participate in industry dialogues, showcase its technology at major events like our Breakthrough Technology Conference, and collaborate with other members to advance sustainable practices within the steel industry.
I was delighted to welcome Helios as members in April of 2023 and look forward to continued collaboration going forward.
Director, Sustainable Manufacturing, worldsteel